I have tried to add a custom Forem instance (Forem is the software that runs on dev.to) via the dev.to proof, but I only get an error message:

None of the matched service providers could be verified. Keyoxide was not able to determine which was the correct service provider or why the verification process failed.

So I think the error is given because the instance URL does not match the dev.to URL. Am I right, or is the problem somewhere else entirely?

2 months later
7 days later

I was unaware of what Forem is and that dev.to uses it! Do you happen to have a test account on a separate instance? This shouldn't be hard to change

Never mind, tried it with a random article on a different instance. Yup, works as would be expected. Let's see how we can adapt the code to work with all forem instances

22 days later

Sorry for my late reply. Sadly the Forem instance I used closed down, so I am not able to test it anymore rn. But thank you for solving my issue!

    10 months later