I have a lot of ideas to "improve" (in my opinion; I know it's highly subjective) the UI of the profile pages on Keyoxide web.

Knowing this is probably highly controversial – and without wanting to make any criticism of the current design and the work that I know has gone into it – my preference would be a radical overhaul, resulting in something much more like @wiktor's profile page on his site, or (I'll stick with the same user for all examples) the profile section of a Keybase page, rather than the current Keyoxide design.

To be more specific, some of the features that I prefer on the examples I cited are:

  • more concise/compact listing of identities, in a format common to many profile lists, vs the highly spaced-out listing on keyoxide-web
  • profile links and proof links are directly visible and (importantly) clickable without needing to expand to show more details (it's not actually clear you can even expand these on keyoxide, until you click and try it)
  • icons of linked sites (probably controversial, but better UX in my opinion)

The same list of identities that takes half my screen on Wiktor's site and far less still on Keybase, takes nearly two full screens on Keyoxide – while actually showing less information, until each identity is clicked.

Again, I don't know how attached @yarmo or anyone else is to the current UI, so apologies if I'm stepping on anyone's toes 😀

    14 days later

    I'm all for a UI overhaul, make more efficient use of the space!

    Guess we could make a redesign branch or something and host it on a dedicated subdomain so we can start experimenting already!

      yarmo I'm all for a UI overhaul, make more efficient use of the space!

      Great! 😀

      yarmo so how would you like to go about this?

      I'm not sure, let me give it some thought. I won't have time to do much for the next week or so anyway.
      Possible options:

      • Iterative approach. Lots of small changes, improve things bit by bit, make it up as we go along somewhat.

      • Design-based approach. Make mock-ups, agree on a design, and then implement it. I'm not a designer so I wouldn't be very good at making mock-ups :-) but anyone who wanted could each take their own approach to redesigning the interface and then we could discuss and take the best bits of each.

      • Start from scratch. If it was my own project I'd probably do this and make a whole load of different architectural choices too - but that's not how open source works, so I'll familiarise myself more with the existing codebase and stick to improving on the great work you've already done 😀

      • Other ideas?

      yarmo Guess we could make a redesign branch or something and host it on a dedicated subdomain so we can start experimenting already!

      I love this idea! Could we so some kind of CI so pushes to that branch are automatically deployed?

        caesar Start from scratch

        I'm personally not against the idea! The web repo was started quite a while ago and does contain bad patterns due to lack of experience and planning/foresight.

        I think we should just start a new repo and make it more "contribution" friendly!

        The original keyoxide-web was explicitly built to be framework-less but then again, the project started as something completely different than what it is now. I've been diving into Svelte lately and wouldn't mind using it for the revamped keyoxide.

        Do you have any recommendations and/or preferences?

        caesar I love this idea! Could we so some kind of CI so pushes to that branch are automatically deployed?

        Let's 🙂 I'll try and get a repo going which automatically uploads to a subdomain.

          Just to clarify my thinking process: the keyoxide-web started out chonky! It contained all the logic, all the UI. Over the last year and then some, the keyoxide-web has been seriously exercising and is nowadays little more than a visual representation of the data generated by other libraries.

          Because of this, I am very excited about the idea to start from scratch, making the new repo with the express intent of only being the visual layer of the logic handled by other libraries.

          4 months later

          yarmo Somehow I missed this! Sorry!

          I've been super busy, but I'll try and have another look at this when I can.


            yarmo I've been diving into Svelte lately and wouldn't mind using it for the revamped keyoxide.

            Sounds great! I'm a big fan of Svelte. A SvelteKit app would be great.

              caesar Somehow I missed this! Sorry!

              No worries, haven't touched the redesign since, so we're both up to speed now 😉

              caesar Sounds great! I'm a big fan of Svelte. A SvelteKit app would be great.

              That is great to hear, and a motivation to continue down this path. I've been doing some side projects in Svelte(Kit) to learn it, I will soon come back to the redesign/rewrite.