• Keyoxide
  • Some Ideas for Signature Profile

I have a few ideas for improving the Signature profile verification system.

If anybody remembers this site called itty.bitty.site, it lets you store an entire user-created webpage in the URL itself.

According to their site [Here], most browsers and apps can handle a minimum of 2000 bytes of data in the URL. So with that, we can make any user share their signature profile via a URL that can parsed be via the keyoxide.org/sig page directly.

Let me explain,
Assume I have a signature profile text file with data :

Hi, hello
proof=bla bla bla
proof=bla bla bla

Now I compress it with any pre-specified compression algorithm such as LZMA and then encode it with base64, rendering it URL safe.

Let's assume I get a result abcdefgh, now I can share a URL something like keyoxide.org/sig/#abcdefgh to other people, and when they visit it, keyoxide.org/sig will fetch the text from the URL, decode frombase64, decompress the retrieved the signed plain text and verify it as usual.

Activities of User =>
Plain Text --> Compression--> Base64 Encode -> Result URL

On Keyoxide.org/sig =>
URL --> Extract Data --> Base64 Decode --> Decompression --> Plain Text --> Verify

With that mechanism, we don't have to store that signature profile, instead, we will store it in the URL itself. And users can use a URL shortener to make the huge link shorter as well as prettier.

Of course, this method would not work if anybody has a huge list of proofs which would make the URL bigger than the threshold size.

For example here's my signature profile stored in the URL (here)