It is clear now that the information displayed in the Keyoxide docs is organized suboptimally.

The structure currently is:

# Getting started
## Overview
## What is Keyoxide?
## What is
## Encrypting a message
## Verifying a signature
## Verifying identity claims
## Signature profiles

# Key management
## Adding claims
## Listing claims
## Deleting claims

# Advanced
## OpenPGP proofs
## Self-hosting Keyoxide
## Web Key Directory
## For service providers

# Keyoxide
## Design
## Contributing

I am not sure what a better structure would be. I think there should be a section specifically for "managing a Keyoxide profile", including the creation of the keys and managing claims. It should also be made clear that there are two ways to create profiles: using notations in OpenPGP keys and using signatures.

Coincidentally, I was writing something like this last night. I'll add the changes I think will help organize the information a bit better. Any an dall feedback is accepted!

Edit: fixed formatting so all the text shows up on the screen and no scrolling is needed

# Overview

## About Keyoxide (What is Keyoxide?)
[Keyoxide]( is a service that allow you to prove what accounts belong
to you using your GPG fingerprint. Not only is it free, it allows for decentralization! 

## About (What is

## How to Encrypt a Message (Encrypting a message)
(Make it clear that one can enter either an email or fingerprint. It should already be
implied, since the field shows both a fingerprint and an email, but mentioning it explicitly
in the documentation won't hurt.)

First, you have to enter the recipient's email or their GPG fingerprint in the query field
in the [Keyoxide homepage]( Once the page loads,
click the **Encrypt message** button.

Write a message in the Message field and press the **ENCRYPT MESSAGE** button.

You have successfully encrypted the message! The encrypted message in the
**Encryption result** field can safely be sent via unsecured communication channels knowing
that only the person possessing the private key associated with that fingerprint can read it.

## Verifying a signature

## Verifying identity claims

## Signature profiles

# Key/Account Management

## Creating an Account
1. Create your gpg keypair if you haven't already.
1. Export your public key to a file and upload it to
   [this]( site.
1. In a short while, return to the [Keyoxide]( homepage,
   enter your email or fingerprint, then click "generate profile" (this will search for your
   key on [](, it doesn't create an account).

You will now see your newly created profile on Keyoxide!

## Adding claims

## Listing claims

## Deleting claims

## Profile Picture
Keyoxide depends on [LibAvatar]( to fetch a profile picture.
To set a profile picture, go there, sign up, and add whatever image you want to use are
your profile picture.

If you make your Keypxide account and it already has a profile picture, it's mostlikely
because LibAvatar uses Gravatar as a backup and you have have uploaded it
unknowingly in the past.